“The water was dark and murky, nearly black. What was once a beautiful, blue fountain full of flowing, crystal-clear water was hidden below years of neglect.
How did it get like this?
I thought I had been taking care of it, properly cleaning it, but evidently not. The reality was glaring: The fountain begged for my care.
It was time to get to work.
After researching how best to care for a fountain, I grabbed the suggested cleaning materials. I had no idea how long it would take, but with slow, patient focus, I put my elbow into it and began the hard work of restoration.
As I scrubbed, I could see piercing blue, bit by bit. As the bright color appeared, a light bulb went off in my head, and I had a miraculous experience.
In that moment, I was no longer separate from the fountain. I was the fountain. We were connected, as one.”
Read “How Taking Care of Your Things Can Be the Key to Taking Care of Yourself” by Ellen Phinney, exclusively in ALOVEDLIFE volume 4, a timeless bookazine by Absolute Love Publishing featuring stories on Intentional Living, Elevated Action, Conscious Connection, and Sacred Self Care. Learn about all the editions here.