Phone … Home! How Can I Be More Intuitive?

Phone … Home! How Can I Be More Intuitive?

Intuition can be a lifesaving force. For many of us, listening to our instincts has saved us from dangerous situations and, in a positive way, intuition can lead us to seize wonderful opportunities, create suitable relationships, and generally enrich our lives. But...

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Animal Prints on My Soul Wins “Top Pick” Award

Animal Prints on My Soul Wins “Top Pick” Award

We’re delighted to be kicking off the new year by announcing an impressive new award! Animal Prints on My Soul, by Candace Gish, was recently selected as a 2025 Author Shout Reader Ready Top Pick. The Author Shout Top Pick awards are annually bestowed on engaging,...

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Book Launch: Polly Parker Meets Her Shadow

Book Launch: Polly Parker Meets Her Shadow

Absolute Love Publishing Author Victoria Lowery hosted a successful book launch and signing event for her Young Adult novel, Polly Parker Meets Her Shadow. Held at Pan Yan Bookstore, a community book store in downtown Tiffin, Ohio, the event attracted dozens of...

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Reader Views Silver Medal: Our Mothers, Our Daughters

Reader Views Silver Medal: Our Mothers, Our Daughters

Our Mothers, Our Daughters by Candace Gish was awarded Silver in the 2023-2024 Reader Views Literary Awards. The anthology placed in the Parenting/Family/Relationships category. "This achievement is a testament to your extraordinary talent and the innovative spirit...

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Warm Literary Welcome for Atlantis Writhing

Warm Literary Welcome for Atlantis Writhing

Atlantis Writhing by Jean Brannon received “a warm literary welcome” from one of the largest book review and award contest sites, when Readers' Favorite announced numerous 5-star reviews of the Fantasy Romance. These reviews will be made available to 115,000 libraries...

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Animal Prints Wins Gold From Living Now!

Animal Prints Wins Gold From Living Now!

We are thrilled to announce Animals Prints on My Soul by Candace Gish was awarded a gold medal in the 2023 Living Now Book Awards for the the animals/pets category! Congratulations to Candace and to all the contributors who made this book possible. Animal Prints on My...

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New Release! Our Mothers, Our Daughters

New Release! Our Mothers, Our Daughters

We are excited to announce the release of our new book, Our Mothers, Our Daughters by Candace Gish! It immediately hit the market as the #1 Hot New Release in Motherhood, Literary Essays, and Women's Studies and the #1 best seller in Literary Essays on Amazon. About...

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Atlantis Writhing Wins #4 in Romance!

Atlantis Writhing Wins #4 in Romance!

Atlantis Writhing by Jean Brannon has won #4 in Romance in Online Book Club's 2022 Book of the Year contest! Out of all books combined, it received a rank of 44, an incredible achievement. The award-winning Atlantis Writhing tells the story of Elysia, a light ray...

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Use Sound to Uplift Your Life in ALOVEDLIFE Volume 4

Use Sound to Uplift Your Life in ALOVEDLIFE Volume 4

“The subtle energies of the body — and even the energies in an apparently solid object — move in patterns: Energy vibrates in waves, it congregates in fields, it communicates via resonance and influence. Resonance is when one energy sets another vibrating in...

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After The Fall in ALOVEDLIFE Volume 4

After The Fall in ALOVEDLIFE Volume 4

"It had been a perfect Southern California day, and we had been having a nearly perfect lesson. It was my first time jumping Axel since I’d brought him home. My trainer, relatively new to her post, had been riding him solo to 'work out the kinks.' (Par for the course...

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The Ebb and Flow of Creativity in ALOVEDLIFE Volume 4

The Ebb and Flow of Creativity in ALOVEDLIFE Volume 4

"I live by the ocean, and this is not by accident. Something deep within me responds to water, and one of my favorite ways to spend time is sitting at the water’s edge, watching the incoming waves crash against the shore and then slip back out to sea. The rhythm is...

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Unwrapping the Gifts of the Heart in ALOVEDLIFE Volume 4

Unwrapping the Gifts of the Heart in ALOVEDLIFE Volume 4

"About a half-hour north on a dirt road off the highway is a small, tin-roof stand selling Coco Frio: ice-cold, fresh coconuts. We stop for a drink. They slice off the top of the green, football-sized fruits; plop in a straw; and the cool, watery liquid slides down...

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Transform Your Life with a Step in ALOVEDLIFE Volume 4

Transform Your Life with a Step in ALOVEDLIFE Volume 4

"Transformational Soul Coach Michelle Bateman knew her perspective had to change. Following the end of her second marriage, Bateman felt lonely, isolated, and lost. Describing that period in an interview with Divas That Care Founder Candace Gish, Bateman remembered...

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Seek Out Your Beauty in ALOVEDLIFE Volume 4

Seek Out Your Beauty in ALOVEDLIFE Volume 4

“Beauty can be described as something that is pleasurable to view, but who makes the decision of what is ‘pleasurable to view’ or not? You, do! Beauty is in everything and everyone – we just have to be open to seeing it. Sometimes it’s easy to see beauty in others but...

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