Is your holiday gift search fueled by peppermint mochas and all the Christmas music you can handle? Have you been embarking on endless shopping trips for just the “right”  (price, style, value) present and still coming up short? Then we have just the thing for you! Books!

Consider adding books (print or digital) to your mindful gift selection this year. Trust a bibliophile; books make great gifts! Here’s why:

  1. Books are gifts that keep giving page after page, character after character, scene after scene. Readers get transported to new places and learn new things with each and every read. Plus, there’s always the possibility of a sequel!
  2. Books make for inexpensive gifts for savvy shoppers on a budget. That’s sure to make even the biggest penny pincher (or Grinch) crack a smile and feel good about giving.
  3. Books come with options. After they’re read, they can be added to a cherished collection, passed on to a fellow reader, exchanged for a “new to you” read at a local swap meet, or donated to a local library. The list goes on and on … Holiday elves agree that books are gift-giving gold!
  4. Digital books support a minimalist lifestyle. They don’t take up space in the home and can be transported anywhere easily. That makes them an ideal present for the clutter-free person on your shopping list.
  5. You can authentically personalize a book gift. Books gifted with a special message inside inspire sweet memories for years and decades to come.  
  6. Books offer something for everyone. Whether the readers on your list like mystery, sci-fi, biography, or photography, an endless variety of book styles, sizes, illustrations, authors, and genres offers up the chance to capture all their hearts.
  7. Gifting a book to a child, teen, or other young reader sparks their reading light to shine as bright as Rudolph’s nose and encourages a lifetime habit.
  8. Books are unique as snowflakes. No one book’s dialogue, characters, and descriptive narration are exactly like any other book’s, and no one reader will read a book the same as another reader. That makes them the perfect gift for someone who already seems to have it all.
  9. You can buy books online. No crowds, pressure, or hassle. Shop from your sofa snuggled in your favorite Christmas pajamas. It only takes a few clicks to have the book delivered to your door for personal gift giving or to arrive straight to the reader’s home or reading device. Santa will greatly appreciate you lightening his load this year and your feet will thank you for one less shopping excursion this holiday season.
  10. The Absolute Love Publishing bookstore has all your favorite feel-good books! Shop now!