“We all have expectations. Whether of people we love, of ourselves, or those we encounter in our lives, our expectations create a lens for how we view everything. In some cases, expectations are good. Expectations can help us and others be better, do better, and grow more. Whether we want to live up to how someone sees us or meet a goal we’ve set, expectations can push us higher. But when we face expectations that don’t fit who we really are, attempting to meet those expectations can cause us to become unhappy or get off track in our lives.
‘You know when you are supposed to do something,’ said Divas That Care Founder Candace Gish. ‘You have that little feeling, that little tingly feeling. And you feel like if you don’t pay attention to it, you’re going to get hit on the head.'”
Read “Releasing Expectations: Let Go of What Doesn’t Resonate” exclusively in ALOVEDLIFE volume 4, a timeless bookazine by Absolute Love Publishing featuring stories on Intentional Living, Elevated Action, Conscious Connection, and Sacred Self Care. Learn about all the editions here.