Books2Read Start Now Start StrongBooks2Read named two Absolute Love Publishing books to its “Start Now, Start Strong” promotion for 2021. The Weight Loss Shift by Michelle Hastie and Finding Happiness with Migraines by Sarah Hackley will help you kick the New Year off right!

The Weight Loss Shift guides those searching for their ideal bodies into new ways of thinking and approaching food and exercise, in order to achieve lasting weight loss results. No dieting necessary!

“This book . . . is about loving your body and keeping the weight off – without the obsession of counting calories and exhausting yourself,” said Opening the Flow of Money author Nick Pfennigwerth.

Finding Happiness with Migraines will help you take charge of your body, mind, emotions, and health, creating positive change in your life. An Amazon reviewer called Finding Happiness with Migraines “a must have if you are a person living [with] . . . chronic headaches and migraines.”

This book is a useful tool for those struggling with chronic pain or migraines. Don’t wait, start easing your pain today!

Start Now, Start Strong promotional selections The Weight Loss Shift and Finding Happiness with Migraines are available everywhere.