awarded Atlantis Writhing by Jean Brannon 4/4 stars! Amazed at Brannon’s world-building, fantastical plot, and dynamic characters, reviewer Lucy V. recommended the book to anyone who enjoys science fiction, fantasy romance, adventure, action, or heartfelt romance novels.

“The imagery painted by the author and the way she narrated the story brought their world and the characters in it alive. It felt so real, and it was fascinating. I also loved the adventure, the suspense, the magical world, and the mystical beings created by the author. It is a must-read. I like that Elysia, who is a character in this book, can be a role model to other women out there.” – Lucy V.

She went on to explain why Atlantis Writhing was a 4/4 star book, writing, “I will be rating this book 4 out of 4 stars because the author was creative with the story’s plot, and she had a unique way of bringing the key characters’ strengths and weaknesses to life.”

Atlantis Writhing is about a civilization trembling toward collapse and an unbreakable love between Elysia, a light ray missionary, and Alaric, a visiting dignitary with a scandalous past. 

In addition to this stunning review, Atlantis Writhing is now eligible for’s 2022 Book of the Year! Help support Jean Brannon and Atlantis Writhing by voting here!

Read the full review here.