Do you want to deepen your relationships through gratitude?

“When I was growing up, my family experienced more than its fair share of loss and tragedy. And those experiences broke many of the relationships around me. The few that lasted, however, were the ones in which the partners continually turned to each other for support and encouragement while simultaneously showing how valued that support was. Those were the relationships in which the partners never took each other for granted, and those were the ones that remained intact. 

I kept those lessons in mind throughout my adolescence and early adulthood, and I took them with me into my marriage. From day one, I was determined to never take my husband for granted. To never let the many little things he does each day go unnoticed. To always maintain that littlesomething-extra so often associated only with new relationships. And that effort has rewarded me in unexpected ways.”

Read “Deepen Your Relationship Through Gratitude” by Sarah Hackley, exclusively in ALOVEDLIFE Volume 1, a timeless bookazine by Absolute Love Publishing featuring stories on Intentional Living, Elevated Action, Conscious Connection, and Sacred Self Care. Learn about all the editions here.
