“Animals are an important part of many of our lives. They may be our companions for the unconditional love we crave to give and receive or they may provide their loyalty and intelligence as service animals. According to Ted Andrews’ Animal Speak, however, animals may also be messengers bringing gifts of healing, protection, power, and inspiration to humanity.
‘As humans, we sometimes forget that we can starve as much from a lack of wonder as we can a lack of food. When we open ourselves to animals and Nature, we open our hearts and souls to true wonders,’ wrote Andrews.
Animals may bring their intended messages to us in our dreams or meditations or by showing up in our lives and in nature. When animals appear repeatedly, we can feel sure there is a message intended for us. Figuring out what that message is can be tricky, however.”
Read “Animal Speak” by Denise Thompson, exclusively in ALOVEDLIFE Volume 3, a timeless bookazine by Absolute Love Publishing featuring stories on Intentional Living, Elevated Action, Conscious Connection, and Sacred Self Care. Learn about all the editions here.