Women Will Save the World
At the Vancouver Peace Summit in September 2009, the Dalai Lama announced, “The world will be saved by the Western woman.” Absolute Love Publishing Creator Caroline A. Shearer was impacted by his statement and collaborated with leading women from around the world to explore how the feminine nature impacts humanity in the book, Women Will Save the World. Through essays of collaboration, creativity, intuition, nurturing, strength, trailblazing, and wisdom, this women’s studies bestseller attempts to answer the question: Will Women Save the World?
Women Will Save the World Features
Dozens of essays from prominent, modern-day women (an Olympian, Billboard-topping musician, visionary media professionals, artists, authors, and more!)
Profiles of historical women, such as Mother Teresa, Harriet Tubman, and Anne Frank, each who contributed to saving the world
Historical timeline demonstrating how women already have saved the world in myriad ways
Plus! Affirmations to help strengthen your inherent feminine qualities
Plus! Ways to celebrate your feminine
“As we women are now being called to become powerful pioneers of possibility, Women Will Save the World is a unique offering that provides inspiration and hope to light our way. Given that we are the most privileged generation of women to ever walk the face of the Earth, we recognize that ushering in the new world order is ours to do, and Caroline Shearer has gifted us with extraordinary role models to emulate as we collectively rise to the task at hand.”
“What an empowering and heart-opening read! Across the globe, women are being called to embrace their magnificence, to express their gifts in the world, and to contribute to a new global paradigm based on heart-centered leadership. What a gift to have one book that provides inspirational story after inspirational story of historical women who have paved the way before us and present day women who are trailblazing the way ahead. Whether you devour it from cover to cover or savor it story by story, Women Will Save the World is a must-have in the library of every awakening woman.”
“This inspiring book convinces that truly women can and WILL save the world! Each chapter heading reveals feminine qualities that manifest greatness in all who embody them. Rich personal stories from women who practice these qualities, and those who have practiced them historically, awaken the reader to the power of greatness that lies within each woman. We highly recommend this book for each woman’s inner awakening and initiation into her own ability to save – and heal – the world!”
“A woman’s intuition may be what’s needed to bring balance to the world. ‘Women Will Save the World’ is a compendium of inspiration, drawing on the quote from the Dalai Lama, ‘The world will be saved by the Western woman.’ Presenting the idea as a question, Caroline A. Shearer compiles essays of women writers and women in history who have made a difference, and how women are changing the world today. Highly recommended.”
“Hooray! for Caroline Shearer. Her book, Women Will Save the World, is poised to fulfill the Dalai Lama’s prediction that western women will save the world. It is filled with role models from many countries and many eras to help you envision and create the changes this world needs. What are you waiting for? Change the world!”
“What a trip this book is: a pure and direct shot of inspiration. Story after story of women who have changed the world and the internal process that enabled them to succeed. So honest that it solidifies your belief that, of course, you can too.”
“Women Will Save the World is an insightful and inspiring read. I love how the stories used to illustrate feminine traits were woven together to show how women have and continue to shape our world for the better. The individual stories of these women help us see that our life’s challenges and lessons are the answer to our life’s purpose. …The message in Women Will Save the World helps women embrace all of who they are, their good and self-perceived bad sides. Once we are able to embrace, accept and love all of who we are, our feminine grace and life’s purpose will shine healing light out into the world.”
“At a time when it is clear that life and business as usual is leading us towards collective calamity, we search for signs and wisdom that can help us imagine a new world and tell ourselves a new story. If women are to help lead the world towards a more just, peaceful, and abundant future, what is it that lives in women that holds these keys? What might live in us that we haven’t considered as sources of strength and ingenuity that could support our coming together in unity to co-create and birth a new earth? Women always have been at one with birth and renewal, and Mother Nature shows us that the life cycles of the seed, from blossom to death to re-birth, are part of our universal reality. Caroline Shearer’s Women Will Save the World provides us with the inspiration and imagination we need – and shows us that much of it has been living within us all along, like a powerful seed in a verdant garden, waiting to blossom into its divine splendor.”
Kathleen Aston
Mary Ellen Ciganovich
Jenny Craig
Leslie Davenport
Rochelle Forrest
Sally Franz
Terry Grahl
Sarah Hackley
Elizabeth Harper
Michelle Hastie
Catrice Jackson
Sue Lee
Carmel Maguire
Katie McCorkle
Shannon Miller
Shirley W. Mitchell
Kate Neligan
Gayle Newhouse
Kathryn Peters-Brinkley
Dea Shandera
Kiva Leatherman
Becky Sheetz-Runkle
Lorelei Shellist
Beverly Solomon
Dr. June Stinchfield
Alicia Vargo
Donna Visocky
Tené Williams
Amethyst Wyldfyre