The Weight Loss Shift: Be More, Weigh Less by Michelle Hastie helps those searching for their ideal bodies shift into a higher way of being, inviting the lasting weight they want – along with the life of their dreams!
Skip the diets and the gimmicks, The Weight Loss Shift is a permanent weight loss solution. Based on science, psychology, and spirituality, Hastie helps readers discover their ideal way of being through detailed instructions and exercises, and then helps readers transform to living a life free from worry about weight – forever!
Would you like to love your body at any weight?
Would you like to filter through others’ body expectations to discover your own?
Would you like to live at your ideal weight naturally, effortlessly, and happily?
Then, make the shift with The Weight Loss Shift: Be More, Weigh Less!
“Wow, wow, wow. Every page of this book encompasses an ‘A-HA’ moment. I have never heard of weight loss spoken like this before, and it has been a long time coming!
“This book can make the difference between bodies we love and the self-hate propaganda that has become the norm, and I have unofficially adopted it as the ‘body guide’ to ‘Living Wild and Wise.’ This is required reading: for you, those you love, your wild and wise mothers, daughters, sisters, friends. This is the how-to manual, the final word on the subject, and the map that will take us home to body love, acceptance, optimum personal health, and well-being once and for all.”
“If you are ready to have the body you desire without the struggle or punishment, Michelle Hastie is an excellent guide on your journey to pleasure, health and freedom.” “The Weight Loss Shift: Be More, Weigh Less” is “a great and easy read for anyone ready to shift their relationship with their body, lose weight, and maintain their ideal size effortlessly and joyfully in the new paradigm of health and well-being.”
“Stop struggling, and start shifting! This is the last weight loss book you’ll ever need!”
“In a world where doing, having and accomplishing is valued so highly, it is extremely refreshing to come across material on the subject of weight loss that puts the greatest emphasis on being. I enjoyed digesting this subject matter slowly, pleasurably, as I am now doing ever more consciously with my own food and body. Many diet books and plans seem to take a very mechanical approach to this topic, but we are not machines. We are minds, emotions, and spirits expressing through physical form, and for lasting harmonious well-being, these must all be taken into account. Michelle does a wonderful job of creating a holistic wellness experience that is easy to follow and put into practice, a template for living in not only our ideal bodies, but our ideal lives.”
“My mind is having a happy dance party after reading this book! Michelle really gets it and has a way of offering a new perspective that not only makes the most sense of any weight loss approach out there, but also feels more freeing and incredible than any diet could ever feel.
“She skillfully weaves powerful inquiry exercises into the mix of mind-blowing insight. You will feel validated, understood, supported, and empowered through this book. I highly recommend this as a must have for anyone desiring to live an inspired and free life, loving the skin they are in, losing weight by being more. My clients are all getting a copy!”
“Most conventional weight loss advice is flawed with only doing, diets, and temporary results. But this book, and Michelle’s approach, is about loving your body and keeping the weight off – without the obsession of counting calories and exhausting yourself.”